Gilt-y Pleasure

Hi my loves! I'm so sorry for my extended blogging absences lately. I've been so swamped with school, working, completing an internship, and writing my thesis that it leaves very little time to blog. Now, add moving to that list!!

Yes, that's right, I'm leaving my current student housing sitch for a big girl one-bedroom apartment.
 I'm feeling a bit sad to leave this little studio apartment that has brought me so much inspiration and opportunities over the past 2.5  years. But it's time for me to move on to a place all my own, a lovely charm filled one bedroom apartment located downtown Toronto that I can't wait to show you all! This also means a blank slate for new decorating (aka lots of new blogging material!). Not to mention no one else's dirty dishes in the sink. I am so excited about this next chapter and to get back into the blogging swing of things over the next few months.

To celebrate, I just bought myself my first housewarming gift, a gorgeous vintage gilt framed mirror that I cannot wait to hang up in a very special spot (stay tuned!).
I especially love the shell details on my mirror. This is a motif made popular during the Rococo era.

I will be fully moved in by April 1st, but in the meantime, enjoy some gilt mirror goodness that is serving up some MAJOR inspiration for the new space!
Lauren Gold via Lonny Mag

Nate Berkus and Anne Coyle via Elle Decor

Sarah Richardson via HGTV

Jennifer Ferreira via House and Home
Gilt mirrors are my total gilt-y pleasure. That and Pretty Little Liars...
What's YOURS?
To read the rest of my tips for Making a Rental Feel like Home, check out my article with Click Here!


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